The Client: Nossi College of Art
The Brief: Design and curate a box to be mailed to students who have been accepted to Nossi College of Art. This box would include a postcard with handwritten notes from current students and alumni, stickers, a magnet, a bi-fold pamphlet, letter from the President of the college, card from the founder, a message from the student's future program chair, and other fun swag.

The Client: Nossi College of Art
The Brief: Create an ad that will entice prospective art students to consider Nossi as their academic home by high-lighting some of the major benefits the school has to offer.

The Client: Nossi College of Art
The Brief: Nossi College of Art is launching a new culinary program in the Fall of 2021. The client needed ads that would specifically be featured on cooking and local websites to appeal to and invite potential students to consider participating in the program.